Labor Assignments Search Results Screen

Use this screen to view and search labor assignments.

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
RO Number
Enter part or all of the search terms in these fields.
RO Status Select this droplist to filter Search Results by status. Valid values include All, Open, and Closed.
Create Date (From/To) Enter the date range in these fields, or click the calendar icon to select the dates.
Search Select this option to search labor assignments using the search criteria.
New Labor Assignment This option allows you to create a new labor assignment.
Refresh Select this option to retrieve labor assignments that match the search criteria.
Print Selecting this button displays a droplist with printing options.
Print Preview View a printed view of the document on screen.
RO Number
RO Status
Total Assigned Hours
These are column headers in the Search Results pane. These columns can be moved and sorted to suit your preference.
Edit This option opens the selected labor assignment for editing.
Print Select this option to print the selected labor assignment.
Delete This option deletes the selected labor assignment.
Incomplete This option changes the selected labor assignment status from complete to incomplete.

See Also

Searching for Labor Assignments







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